Top 5 Tips for Staying Fit During the New Year with Horizon Fitness!

Happy Friday, Babes! It’s a New Year and with that comes new goals and resolutions. It may sound cliche, but one of my goals this year was to work out at least 3 times a week and to start eating healthier. I’ve kept up with my resolution so far (It’s been challenging with travel but I’ve managed to make it work) and I feel great! I’ve also been trying to cut back on Diet Coke (gasp!) and drink more water/take vitamins everyday. I already have more energy and I’m feeling so much stronger.

One of the best ways I motivate myself to workout is with new cute workout gear. Here’s 5 tips for keeping those workout goals!

1. Embrace Balance: Enjoy Holiday Indulgences in Moderation

First things first, let’s talk about holiday treats. Yes, they are irresistible, and yes, you should absolutely enjoy them! I’m all about giving yourself some grace during the festive season. The key is moderation. Savor those special holiday flavors, but keep it balanced.

2. Compensate with Healthy Choices

We all love a good Doordash feast (Darek and I surely do!), but it’s essential to balance those splurges. If you overindulge, make your next meal a healthier one. For example, after a lavish dinner, I like to hop on my Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill the next day for a brisk walk or jog. It’s a fantastic way to offset those extra calories.

3. Couple & Family Workouts with Horizon Fitness

One of my favorite ways to stay active during the holidays is working out with Darek, and sometimes, the whole family joins in! The Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill, with its user-friendly features, is perfect for family workout sessions. It’s fun to set fitness challenges and watch everyone get involved!

4. Hydration is Your Holiday Fitness Friend

Amidst the daily hustle, don’t forget to hydrate. Swapping out a few Diet Cokes for water makes a huge difference in how you feel. When I’m on my Horizon treadmill, I always keep a bottle of water handy to stay hydrated during my workouts.

5. Get Motivated with New Workout Clothes and Equipment

Sometimes, all you need is a little motivation to jumpstart your workout routine. Horizon Fitness offers a range of equipment that’s not only high in quality but also incredibly motivating to use. Their treadmills, like the Horizon 7.0 AT, are perfect for home workouts, making it easier to stay on track with your fitness goals during the holiday season. It also easily folds up so it takes up WAY less room than our old treadmill. There is also a code for an EXTRA $100 OFF that is active right now!!

Stay Fit with Horizon Fitness:

This New Year, we’re using Horizon Fitness to help us stay on track with our fitness goals. The Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill, is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, ensuring that staying fit during the New Year is not only achievable but also enjoyable. It also seamlessly connects to a Bluetooth heart monitor and the Peleton App so Darek can track his leaderboard stats and stay motivated!

Here’s to a fit, fabulous, and festive holiday season! #horizonfitness #ad

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